Egypt is one of just few places, which are easily reached, where it is
summer all year round, where the wind is quite common. It is the land of
anscient memeorials, endless desert wth miraculous sunsets, and THE SEA.
Hurghada is the Mecca for the russian windsurfers and kiters. Here is their
all-year residence and the competitions� site. Here masters master their art
and starters start their way. Here everyone can find conditions to their
liking: from the mirror-even surface to the rolling waves. Here for the
third time spectaculous show and tornado of emotions rush onto the heads
locals and the tourists, which is with the name O`Neill Kite Cup, Russian
Kitesurfing Open Cup.
May 26 through 30 on the Red Sea on the Colona water sports beach in
Magawish Hotel prestigious international competitions are to be held.
Russian Open Cup : O’Neill Kite Cup 2008.
Russian Federation of Windsurfing and Kitesurfing in association with the
O�Neill clothing, TEZ Tour company and Ocean Rodeo kites is holding the
event in the original traditions of the authentic surfing beach culture.
Famous Russian riders to have started their career in the Russian Open Cup
are planning to participate: Petr Tiushkevich, who has rated the third in
the French lap of PKRA in 2008, Evgeny Novosheev and Sergey Belmesov, who
have started competing in PKRA this year and have rated in the top 15 in the
Venesuela lap of PKRA.
High profeciency level of the russian and international competitors promise
a true nerve-strain and crazy stunts and flights of the riders.
General partner: O’Neill clothing
Official partner: Tez Tour
Partner: Colona Watersports, Ocean Rodeo kites
Media sponsors: magazines Men`s Health, ProSport, Wave, Extreme, Verticalny
Mir, PhotoTravel; RBC-Sport, Wind.ru
Detailed information on the Web-page of the Russian Federation of
Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: www.kitesurf.ru